Sharing Your Commitment to Improve Learning Outcomes for All Students
Are you starting to think about Professional Development for the 2021-2022 school year? Do you have new hires who did most of their practicum remotely? I have been a Program Supervisor for several years, and see first-hand the complexities our new teachers will face as they approach in-person instruction.
Additionally, I am an experienced Educational Consultant with a demonstrated history of working at the classroom, school, district, university, and state level. My background in teaching, administration, new teacher development, instructional and data coaching makes me an exceptional candidate to support your district, school, and classroom. I bring years of teaching, facilitating professional development, and providing targeted instructional and leadership coaching. Given the impact of the pandemic on our students, I have recently begun supporting individual students.
Strengths and experience include:
New Teacher Induction
Adolescent Literacy
Standards-Aligned, Culturally Proficient Curriculum Development
Self-Regulation Skills
Study Skills and Academic Support (including Post Secondary/Higher Education)
Educational Technology
Formative and Summative Assessment Design
Writing across the Curriculum
Collaborative Data Inquiry
Academic Discourse
Teacher Evaluation
Culturally Responsive Classroom Management
Project Based Learning
Supporting new teachers for in-person teaching and learning
In the light of the COVID-19 Pandemic, many of our new teachers completed their practicum on-line. What we have now is a pool of tech-savvy teachers who bring with them a whole new set of skills. However, many may lack confidence and tools when it comes to managing their own classrooms. I will partner with you and your new teachers as we develop their capacity in everything from differentiation to behavior management.
I am now accepting private clients to support learning at home, specializing in cross-curricular literacy, study skills, self-regulation, reading comprehension and writing.
I work with schools, districts, and non-profits to provide high-quality professional development, embedded coaching, and curriculum design tailored to the unique needs of the institution.  Take a look below at some of the services I offer and get in touch to achieve immediate and long-term results!
Filling in the Gaps
Worried about learning loss over these past months? I provide individual and small-group tutoring to students getting ready to be back in school. I specialize in literacy (early and adolescent), self-regulation and study skills.
With over 20 years in urban, rural, and suburban K-12 and higher education, I bring both a breadth and depth of knowledge of all things teaching and learning. I have worked as a teacher, administrator, Practicum Supervisor, curriculum designer, and consultant. My experience and passion for supporting teaching and learning lives in multiple forms of coaching: instructional, data, leadership, and turnaround. In addition, I have been providing professional development for over ten years with Teachers21, on topics from Academic Discourse to Student Engagement. In addition, I serve as an instructor and program supervisor at UMass Boston, while writing CCSS aligned curriculum across the state. I am licensed as both a Principal/Assistant Principal and as a Teacher in Massachusetts.
Jenny has, and continues to be, a very collaborative coach and mentor. She really listens to me and values my ideas and input. She is truly a coach's coach that hasn't forgotten what it means to be a teacher and the importance of always being student-focused and achievement driven. Over the years she has pushed me to be a better coach and a better leader. With her guidance, I have been able to expand my experience leading and teaching adults exponentially.She has consistently shared her expertise and guided me to improve my ability to provide immediate and purposeful feedback to any teacher and/or teaching team to move their work forward. I am so pleased that I have had the opportunity to work, learn and grow with her.
Chandra-Joseph Lacet, C.E.O. of CJ Consulting Group
Jenny was an incredible consultant. She was focused, specific, and supported us in the process as a critical partner who forced us to be more specific and targeted throughout.
Dr. Aimee Bronhard, Principal, Henry Lord Community School
This is your Testimonial quote. Use this space to share customers’ reviews about you, your services and exciting success stories. Get your visitors excited to work with you!
Jeanne McCabe, Instructional Coach
Jenny Miller is incredibly smart, clever, and charismatic. Every professional workshop that she designs reveals her extensive attention to detail that also accounts for cohesion and clarity of thought. She carefully crafts her work so that all types of learners (from the seasoned on down to the rookies) are able to fully engage and embrace the material she is presenting. She also constantly collects data from her meetings/workshops and adjusts her delivery accordingly. In addition, Jenny is a highly effective leader and an amazing coach. She incorporates research-based best practices and implements them with fidelity. I often ask her to model these practices for myself and other members of my department, and I know I can rely on her to be open and honest with her feedback. She is also a persuasive and passionate speaker. As a result, her colleagues respect her immensely.
Jessica Vinacco, Director of Humanities, BMC Durfee High School
On the interpersonal side, Jennifer is a warm, supportive and highly intuitive person. She is reliable,
insightful and an active listener. In her professional work, she has proven to be a highly effective
coach, willing and able to make and sustain relationships in a challenging setting. Her writing skills
have distinguished her in this, and in other, prior settings. In addition, she has proven to be a special
and extremely dependable resource to school leaders and instructional teams in developing the
district’s whole school improvement plans. She has a gift for understanding the complicated
dynamics of school operations, data and rhythms, as well the interwoven cultural aspects of the adult
and student communitie
Larry Myatt, President, Co-Founder at Education Resources Consortium- Strategic Support for Schools & Learning
Jenny conveys a deep understanding for the context of the practitioner and can "translate" current research findings into meaningful lessons. Additionally, Jenny has incredible versatility. She has successfully worked in resource-rich suburban schools; complex large urban settings, and small, struggling school districts.
John D'Auria, Executive Director, Teachers21 (retired)
I’m committed to all of my clients by providing professional consulting services tailored to their needs. I believe in forming strong partnerships with districts, leaders, and teachers,  and am proud of my growing client portfolio. Take a look at the list below to learn more about my clientele.
Learning to Write and Writing to Learn
I've had the pleasure and honor of working with the faculty and staff throughout the year at Joseph Case Middle School in supporting teachers to build best practices in literacy and writing instruction through ongoing workshops and embedded coaching.
Project Based Assessment and Rubric Design
Working with the Director of Curriculum and Instruction, I supported the school in designing PBA Assessments with carefully designed rubrics designed to give precise and tailored feedback that communicated a growth mindset for all students.
Turnaround Plan Development
I spent many hours working with some of Fall River's most dedicated and talented teachers and administrators as we developed turnaround plans to ensure success
Collaborative Data Inquiry
Through ongoing workshops and embedded coaching, I worked to help build and develop a cohort of teacher leaders who could lead their colleagues in ongoing data inquiry.
Adolescent Literacy and Inclusion
Spent several years working with teachers on best practices in literacy, engagement, and curriculum design. Provided professional development workshops followed by frequent embedded coaching.